It’s a New Year…

…Time to set some goals!


I sit here pondering all I’ve done (and NOT done) since I started my sewing business.  I’ve often thought of how I had such big ideas that didn’t pan out.  That’s bound to happen to every business, right?  Well I’m not going to let my failed ideas and dream dash my spirit any longer so my New Years resolution is to…

  1. make at least one new thing each week.
  2. post something on my blog at least once a week
  3. sell everything that’s in my shop.  (How in the world am I going to accomplish this?)

Well there you go.  Baby steps to becoming better in 2013!  If you have any ideas on how I can accomplish these 3 goals, please let me know 🙂

About Melissa

I'm a wife to an Army vet, and mother to four daughters and three step-sons. I'm a student specializing in family history research; world traveler; creator of fanciful spaces (home decor), baby clothes, and baked treats; believer of Christ... I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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