Pink Saturday

This is my first official post participating in Pink Saturday!

To start off, I want to show you these pretty Bougainvillea blossoms from my yard.


Now I’m going to share something very special to me…

About six years ago I painted a set of these tiny wooden hangers.  All but one got lost.  I wonder what goes on this tiny wooden hanger?

pink hanger


A small pink and white crocheted doll dress made by my Grandma Sevey, of course!


I only have a small collection of things that my Grandma Sevey has made which makes each item extra special.  I’ll share them all with you later when I’ve taken pictures of them all.

I hope you’ve enjoyed yourself at my first Pink Saturday!   for more pink goodness, go visit our host Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound.


About Melissa

I'm a wife to an Army vet, and mother to four daughters and three step-sons. I'm a student specializing in family history research; world traveler; creator of fanciful spaces (home decor), baby clothes, and baked treats; believer of Christ... I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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37 Responses to Pink Saturday

  1. Elena says:

    Welcome to Pink Saturday Missy – the hanger and crochet dress are cute. I love the mass of gorgeous colour of the bougainvillia on it’s bush when in full bloom.

    Thank you for visiting my blog – have a happy pink saturday and a wonderful week.

    ciao for now,
    Elena 🙂

  2. Hi, Missy,
    Your Bougainvillea blossoms are gorgeous. I love the sweet hanger you made and how special to have that crocheted doll dress made by your grandmother. Happy Pink Saturday! Vicki

  3. dottydotty says:

    gorgoeus blooms love the story about the coat hanger funny how we loose things isn’t it welcome to pink saturday you will have a fab time

  4. Riet says:

    WElcome and happy pink Saturday. What a cute little hanger and lovely little dress, and your blossoms are beautiful.
    Have a nice day,
    Riet, The Netherlands

  5. Very sweet post, love the tiny dress and hanger. And the flowers are extravantly lovely! Happy Blog Hopping, I hope you enjoy being in the PS club.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  6. gee says:

    Welcome to Pink Saturday. Love yr pink posting.

  7. Linda Pepa says:

    welcome to pink Saturday! Your tiny hanger and doll dress are just precious! wrap them and save them forever, what a wonderful memory of your grandma you will have! Your bouginvilla are one of my most favorite flowers! Happy Pink Day,

  8. Special memories and grandmother made crochet dress. How wonderful that you have it…thanks for sharing. I have a special Grandmother story as my first Pink Saturday…you and I were on the same BlogWaveLink…hope you’ll stop by…Happy Pink Saturday and many more! I’ll be back. Sue

  9. Sue says:

    Welcome to Pink Saturday!
    How special that you have a few items your grandmother made! The little dress and hanger are adorable.

    Thanks for sharing,

  10. Jeanne says:

    The flowers are gorgeous! What a treasure the dress is! And so much work. And the dress and the hangar are a perfect match.

  11. Connie says:

    Well, welcome to pink saturday, chick! Isn’t it fun? And you started off well with those love pink items.

  12. Elizabeth says:

    Welcome to PS, Missy! Love the doll dress, so much time and effort by your Grandma!

  13. Sandi says:

    Welcome to Pink Saturday, Missy! I love that adorable little dress your grandmother made; a real treasure! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend. Please stop by and say Hello.
    Nice to ‘meet’ you!


  14. Leslie says:

    Welcome to Pink Saturday! I adore the little dress that your Grandma made! I never understand the folks who don’t treasure their family heirlooms!
    Have a great week! Leslie

  15. Mimi says:

    L♥ve your pink goodies this week. Just when I think I have enough pink in my life I participate in Pink Saturday and see even more sweet things I’d enjoy having in my home or flowers for my gardens or just to look at☺ What could be better than the color pink dancing in your head all morning?

    Thanks so much for sharing. Hoping your weekend is filled with sunshine and the comfort of those you love and who love you.

  16. dawn says:

    A very sweet combo with the dress and hanger, love the flowers. Happy first PS, I’ve listed you as my link.

  17. stefanie says:

    welcome to pink saturday, love your post!

  18. Sares says:

    Very pretty. I can only crochet a basic chain! Happy Pink Saturday and have a loveleigh weekend!

  19. Jil says:

    Beautiful blossoms…..We always had lots of Bougainvilleas at our home when we lived in the wonderful West!
    What a sweet duo…the cute hanger and the heirloom doll dress from you grandmother!

  20. Jorgelina says:

    Welcome to Pink Saturday!”
    Love the doll dress,is adorable!
    Happy wekeend!

  21. Rini Boer says:

    The doll dress is sweet !Love your pinks !
    Love from the Netherlands , Rini

  22. Gabriela Delworth says:

    Happy Pink Saturday!

    This dress is so cute!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  23. Mary says:

    Happy First Pink Saturday! Welcome!
    What a precious crochet dress! Grandma is very talented. And the hangers are a very pretty way to display the dress.
    Have a wonderful day, Mary 🙂

  24. Terri Morse says:

    Hi Missy. Welcome to Pink Saturday! Your Bougainvillea are lovely. I once had someone ask me to paint bougainvillea vines on her daughter’s bedroom wall! I love the beautiful hand-crocheted doll dress. Such a sweet heirloom from your grandmother.

  25. I love the cute crochet dress. It is so darling. Thank You for sharing your Pink!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  26. Mary says:

    Welcome to Pink Saturday. The dress is delicate and sweet but so much more a treasure because it was fashion by your grandmother. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  27. Carole says:

    Your flowers are beautiful! And love the hanger and the dress is just fabulous. Welcome

  28. Charo says:

    Welcome, I love the little dress. Happy Pink Saturday!!

  29. Sherry says:

    Happy Pink Saturday Missy. Welcome. I so love beautiful little crocheted dress. So delightful. I have a little red one that my grandmother crocheted for me over 40 years ago. She passed over 34 years ago, so I treasure it so much. Just precious. Thanks for sharing, and for bringing back a memory for the day. I went and took the little dress out of it tissue paper and took a look at it again this afternoon. I am so worried about something happening to it, that I keep it in a chest for safe keeping. Please stop by and let me share my pink post with you. Country hugs sweetie, Sherry

  30. Lindsay says:

    Hi Missy
    I enjoyed your first Pink Saturday post. The crocheted dress is adorable.
    Hope you are having a lovely Sunday.

  31. Julie says:

    Welcome to Pink Saturday!”
    Love the doll dress,is adorable!
    I love it all…
    I am having a give a-way do hope you can stop over…xoxo

  32. Beverly says:

    Welcome to your first Pink Saturday, Missy.

    I adore bougainvillea. The colors and the plant are so full and lush.

    I know you must treasure your pieces made by your grandmother, and this one looks so pretty of the hanger.

  33. Leann says:

    Hi Missy

    What a sweet little hanger for you wonderful treasure! Can’t wait to see more of your momentos.

    If you have the time, please stop by The Old Parsonage…I love company!


  34. ~ Happy Pink Saturday. Cute little hanger, for a cute little dress.
    ~ Fall is in the air here today. The high today is 58 and the low is going to get down in the 30’s Time to bring in some firewood.
    Don’t forget to “Look in the Nook”

  35. Love the Bougainvillea…so pretty! The hand made doll dress is a real treasure! Happy weekend…Debbie

  36. Charlotte says:

    Oh what a wonderful item to have, share with friends and remember loved ones by. So sweet and pretty in pink too. Please forgive my tardiness in visiting you and wishing you a very Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  37. Welcome to Pink Saturdays! Those little crocheted dresses are always cute but yours is even cuter on that hanger!

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