Pixie Pouch Tutorial



  1. pouch fabric/lining fabric: 20″x7″ rectangle (each); circle of fabric (each) using a jar, cup, or ribbon spool for the circle template.
  2. 20″ of wide lace insertion
  3. 20″ of ribbon for strap


Step 1

place fabric and lining fabric right sides together, sewing one edge lengthwise using a 1/4″ seam allowance 


Step 2

 fold and iron the seam and then open it back out to allow yourself to sew gathering threads on the two long edges. (sew gathering stitches now)


Step 3

fold the remaining two edges together and sew, leaving a small opening (between the two arrows)


fold and mark the four opposite edges on both circles…


and the pouch edges. this makes it easier to pin the circles to the gathered edges resulting in a more even gather.


Step 4

pin, pull up gathering threads, and sew together on the bag fabric and lining fabric.


Step 5

pull the pouch through the opening and then stitch opening closed.

(this picture shows how small the opening is.)


stuff the lining down into the pouch… here is what the pouch should look like at this point.


Step 6

fold lace under 1/4″ on cut edge and pin along the top edge starting at the  seam line.


 pin lace all the way around the pouch until you reach the seam line again.  fold other cut edge of lace the same as before.


Step 7

turn inside out to make it easier to sew.  sew both edges of the lace leaving the opening free at the seam line.


Step 8

now you are ready to thread the ribbon through the lace.

attach one end of the ribbon to a small safety pin


push the safetypin through the opening at the seam…


until it pops out the other side.


tie the two ends of the ribbon together and you are done!


pull the ribbon to cinch the opening closed.


 voila!  you just made a pixie pouch!

if you have any questions, just ask!

If you make one of these, I would love to see it!  I’ve set up a flickr group for everyone to show-n-tell what y’all make from my tutorials!

for personal use only, please.

About Melissa

I'm a wife to an Army vet, and mother to four daughters and three step-sons. I'm a student specializing in family history research; world traveler; creator of fanciful spaces (home decor), baby clothes, and baked treats; believer of Christ... I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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9 Responses to Pixie Pouch Tutorial

  1. Denise says:

    Too cute!!!! Now if only I could sew 🙂

  2. AwtemNymf says:

    Fab tutorial Missy! Woohoo *claps*
    I have that very same fabric too! “O)
    I will give this a shot when I’m at the sewing machine again (soon)!
    These instructions look easy to follow! I love how you interlock the string INSIDE the lace. Genius!
    Thanks for posting this tutorial. I can’t wait to give this a try!
    Thank you!

  3. Lynn O'Brien says:

    That looks like a fun swap – thanks maybe I’ll join along. The tutorial for the dishcloths were at http://www.crazymomquilts.blogspot.com on September18.
    I used waffleweave muslin – I found it at Joann’s with the muslins.

  4. Great tutorial and the bag turned out really cute!

    Thanks for sharing Missy!

  5. Soo says:

    Oooh I am a ditz…you said “place fabric and lining fabric wrong sides together, sewing one edge lengthwise using a 1/4″ seam allowance ” so I did…it should have been RIGHT sides together hehe!! =)

  6. JenW!~ says:

    just found your blog. This is very cute. I have to make a B-day gift for a 5yr old girl this would be a great idea. thanks for posting it.

  7. val says:

    Thanks for the tutorial….mine turned out so cute!

  8. Sandy says:

    oh my gosh oh my gosh! I did it!
    I made a pixie bag!!! *happy dance*
    the bottom isn’t perfect, but hey this was my 1st one! I am so proud! 🙂
    I’ll show you a pic in the morning!Woohoo! Thank you Missy!

  9. LOVE it!!! We need some pixie pouches here at the Toadstool!!!
    xo maureen

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